Friday, October 26, 2007

I Am Muslim

Ok have been wanting to blog for a long long time but could not find the time AT ALL. its either i have a long email to send (dear culprit, you know who you are ;-) or there's always something to do to rush out of the office. So hv SO much to write about.

My latest read is I Am Muslim by Dina Zaman, and it was pretty interesting. Thought provoking even. At one point she says “why is it that I always feel more at home abroad?” interesting sentiment, join the club darling.. and it was thought provoking to read the differences between Muslims in Malaysia and abroad n she also write about nursyifa and prayers and meditation and how there’s this centre in Indonesia which accepts everyone regardless of race/religion/social status, cos at the end of the day, everyone is just trying to be closer to god.

And then there’s this point she touches on abt women and Friday prayers,a lot of ppl think tht women cant pray on Friday and that’s why we only see men at the mosque. But actually its allowed, as usual, everything here is blown out of proportion cos overseas its totally allowed and apparently you can see women praying on Friday with business suits and skirts etc.

Talking about god, was watching man on fire (yes, yet again) and there was this fantastic line where DW is at the point of killing someone and the old guy at the window asks him to have mercy and he replies with “mercy belongs to god, I just arrange the meeting”. Man, that was like the best line in the WHOLE movie ;-) Magnifique ;-)

And there was this story my dad and my sis was dying to tell me about – apparently the story cam out in the papers and its abt this woman driving a pajero la, and there’s a road bully who keeps stopping and braking in front of her and after abt 5 minutes of this, he just slams the emergency brake, and she slams hers too and doesn’t knock him. And before anything else happens, this smart woman is thinking to herself, why is it tht only women get bullied, and so what she does is she reverses her 4wd, rams into the bully’s car til his whole boot is smashed, and drives off to the nearest police station.

And my dad didn’t tell me the last part of the story cos HIS moral of the story was tht I shouldn’t be driving after 10pm (yeah right.. hellllLLLLLOOOOOO), but my sister completed the whole story la.. well yeah she had a different moral of the story ;-) tht suited me fine ;-)

Oh and that remind me, what the fuck is wrong with the matrempits? They go and beat up this guy just cos he’s a foreigner? I mean what kind of fucking reason is that? God, freaks..

Well, I wanna leave, my fabulous wkend is just beginning.
Skol.. ;-)


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