Sunday, January 14, 2007

Nothing’s permanent

Its like you cant be sure of anything in life. Seriously. Like you own a house and you’re all set for the future and retirement and suddenly there’s an earthquake. Or all your gold bars in the safe deposit box at the bank gets robbed and you see a small clause on the back of your certificate (in pinprick writing, no wonder you’ve never noticed it before), saying that the bank is not responsible should anything untoward happen! You cant be sure of anything in life.

But I was thinking more about people, about the relationships we have with 2 million people (and counting), ok maybe not but you get my drift. If I start at the age of 3 or 4 when all my playmates were children from neighboring houses and we used to go catch butterflies and tadpoles, go cycling, play kejar-kejar and masak-masak (I never had a thing for dolls tho, hehehe..) I don’t even know if they’re DOA (dead or alive for the uninitiated).. But I was still young, never realized the import of the situation at that point and just moved on with friends from kindergarden and primary school.

But starting in primary, I remember a lot of them who were classmates and schoolmates, people whom I would have liked to keep in touch with but who I have no idea where in the world they are now. People I sometimes find myself wondering about. Same goes for secondary and varsity mates and even those from AMEX.

There are sooooo many people I would like to keep in touch with, people who touched my life in SOME way, people I would like to remember and mayb catch up with once in a while, people I wouldn’t mind putting in the effort to meet up with.

Hmmmmmm.. mayb that’s it isn’t it? THE PUTTING IN OF EFFORT.. I don’t make effort enough for people under “everyone else”..

I don’t know, this is a toughie.. a lot of people I know I would have like to keep in touch with and I do make the effort with some. But with others, its more like – malas la, working la, got plans redi la.. I mean, the amount of excuses I can come up with just to not go out!!

P/S: And Tres, the stomachache on Christmas dinner (or was it New Years) was fake ;-) And no that does not mean you are one of the people I don’t make the effort for, just that I was damn malas that day ;-)

Going back to the topic in discussion.. But I want to go for a soak now so I’ll continue sometime la..


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