Sunday, March 22, 2009

Oh you're a writer???

I get that all the time. When people know that I write (and I'm not just talking abt blogging), they come up with lines like "oh, i write too". And when I ask them which publication they publish in, they say "oh no la, its not published, i just write for myself."

I mean, HELLOOOOOO.. Please la!

And its not like I advertise the fact tht I write (oops I'm doing it here)! Its that when I meet people who I get introduced to, the mutual friend will automatically introduce me by saying I write as well. Like its not enough to be a team leader in a call centre!

There's this guy I met who said he writes for himself, and he's trying to get it published. And this other girl who claims to hv written a lot and when people read her works, that they say its really nice and it moves them (to do what i dont know - could be to tears or could also be to murder her for forcing them to read it)!

I mean, do these people want an inroad to publishing which I might be able to provide? Do you have ANY IDEA how many reminder emails I sent and for how long a period just to get these people LOOK at my email? Then I had to send transcripts of published works etc.

The only thing I'm grateful for is that these guys I work with never asked me to write for free. They paid me from the very first, for which I hv to be grateful, as at that point of start-up, I WOULD hv written for free just to get my works published.


Blogger dknypg83 said...

oh ya, i write alright!! :P

12:37 AM


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