Pet Peeves!
First up will be the DAMN GLASS OF WATER. i mean, how bloody long does it take to get a glass of water? Its not like you have to go to the source on top of the mountain spring and climb down with vial by vial right. Its just iced water. For the love of god, just pour the water in the glass, add some ice cubes and bring it over! Sheesh..
And the other is baby diapers. Used ones i mean. Why in the world do i find them EVERYWHERE? Like at the car park of Kellie's Castle, near the tyre of Gorgeous. I mean, if you know how to have kids, then i think u should have the civic consciousness to bloody throw your kids used diapers in the right place. Not all over.
And you wouldnt BELIEVE where i found another - on one of the rocks on an island off Pangkor. It wasnt even on Pangkor, it was one of the smaller islands around where u go snorkel. If your kid is that tiny, why bring it along? And then if anything happens to the kid, you'd go to the papers and say tht the area is dangerous and have it shut down for the rest of mankind? ok la, i suppose thts worse case scenario, but still? Quit throwing used diapers all around and polluting every body else's sense of sight and smell.
Or if thats becoming slightly difficult, then think BEFORE you start having babies!
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